Hvilken størrelse skal jeg vælge ?
Vores Alturra highwaist shaping shorts kommer i tre størrelser. 34-40 / 42-46 / 48-52. Vi anbefaler som regel at tage udgangspunkt i den størrelse du bruger i bukser, OG LIGGER du imellem to størrelser anbefaler vi at du går op i størrelsen. På denne måde vil du få den bedste oplevelse hvis du er nybegynder med shapewear. Vores model på billedet i front er iført: Tan farvet shorts: str. 48-52 - modeller i baggrunden str. 34-40.
Er du stadig i tvivl om din størrelse er du altid velkommen til at skrive til os på hello@lykkelandatelier.com

Thanks to Karim ( @karimabettaz ) and Au Lama (@ aulama.dk) .
The founder of LYKKELAND ateliér, Heidie Lykke, has personally always searched for the perfect product that could help "hug" her curves in a comfortable way, without making folds in the middle of the waist, back or along the side. They should lift and be smooth without being uncomfortable. And for many years she compromised until she chose to launch LYKKELAND atelier, find the most competent supplier in Europe who had the machines and know-how for the technical part, because Heidie Lykke showed exactly how the design and the product should be . Together, the two partners succeed in creating, what we dare say, the best piece of shape wear item - which is a basic and essential item for every woman who wants comfort together with sliding and smoothing shapes.